Mini Two-Channel Self-learning Receiver Nologo Rx2-luci Original Automation

Save €2,14

Model: eb-234205298795
Warranty: 24 months
Supplier: Nologo
€40,61 €42,75

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Self-learning mini two-channel receiver



Self-learning two-channel mini receiver specifically designed for remote control of lights or other devices via contact output up to 230Vac 5A. It manages standard codes from 12 to 64 bits and rolling HCS© or rolling EB. 5 terminals, signaling LED, programming button. It works as a radio receiver and BUS decoder.

The receiver is capable of managing up to 23 different codes and is compatible with most fixed code radio controls. It is always sold on BOX-RX1. Micro switch for selecting normal or step-by-step, NO/NC outputs. Deletion of one or all codes. Possible connection via EB BUS with which it also becomes the decoder for the PUSH-C1.

24 month warranty