4 Channel Receiver In Self-learning Nologo Rx4-xl Automation Automatisms

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Model: eb-224624372037
Warranty: 24 months
Supplier: Nologo
€42,28 €44,50

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4-channel self-learning receiver

Mod. RX4-XL


4-channel self-learning receiver, manages standard codes from 12 to 80 bits and rolling HCS© or rolling EB. Using 8 dip-switches, these functions are activated or deactivated: Rolling HCS©/EB code management, output retention time from 0.8 to 0.3s, step by step, timing, mixed code management. 433 MHz radio is built-in. 15 terminals, 5 signaling LEDs, 4 programming buttons.

The receiver is able to manage up to 3000 rolling transmitters with up to 4 buttons per transmitter and up to 3000 transmitters with standard code: 1 button per transmitter. It is compatible with most fixed code radio controls. It is always sold on BOX-RX2. Normal or step-by-step outputs, deletion of one or all codes, removable memory.

24 month warranty